US Coalition on Sustainability

SustainChain Experience Design

Research and design to improve the sign up process


UI/UX design lead

Feature research & itertion

SustainChain is the world’s largest sustainability action platform that helps humanity collectively achieve the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals. We worked to create a public service platform, that brings together impact investors, innovators, purpose-driven brands, NGOs and alliances with a shared mission of building a more sustainable supply chain.

We started by working to design a simplified and consistent sign-up process to improve site membership and connect sustainability leaders.


  • Synthesized site analytics to understand where potential members drop off in the sign up process

  • Conducted a set of research interviews with users to understand what information is most important to collect & display across the user journey

  • Re-designed an onboarding flow with improved informational clarity


Through an improved and simplified design we were able to increase site onboarding completion by 5 times the previous monthly sign up rate.


Translation Cards Mobile App


City State Identity